New Richmond Regional Airport, new richmond wi


5,507 foot primary asphalt runway with precision RNAV approaches, mirl, reil, papi 150 foot blast pads

2,100 foot crosswind turf runway

Airspace is controlled by minneapolis approach control.  ifr clearances can be obtained through a gco 121.725 on the ground or airborne on 121.2 after passing 200' agl.

Plenty of ramp space, with 20 plug in outlets and 27 tie downs

CTAF - 122.975

Access to Hatfield Lake on the south side of the airport for sea planes.  Water runway 5-23 is 3,500’ x 250’ and water runway 18-36 is 3,000’ x 400’

We don't get a lot of snow (45 inches normally), but if it does get a little winter-like, we have top notch snow removal 24 hours per day.  We love bare pavement!  Our fleet consists of a New Holland T8 industrial tractor with 20’ ramp plow, five trucks with 12’ plows (three trucks have 9’ wings), two MB Companies 14’ snow sweepers, one Cat 950 loader with 16’ pusher plow, an F250 pickup truck with 8’ plow, and 2 snow blowers together capable of moving 6,400 tons of snow per hour (one is an Oshkosh chassis mounted blower and the smaller one is mounted on the New Holland T8).

We use liquid E-36 liquid runway deicer when necessary. 

Our partner FBO offers aircraft deicing using a bucket truck with 28’ reach and type I and type IV deicing fluid.  Full service (6a-10p) with complimentary after hours service and self service (24 hours) jet and avgas fuel is available Crew cars and rental vehicles are available through the full service FBO location.  For all fueling and ground handling capabilities, go to the FBO website

The airport was established in 1964 and is owned by the City of New Richmond.  A seven member commission oversees the facility.